Foraging In Maine – 2015

Well we spent a lot of time last winter shoveling snow. At least we didn’t get the ice storms like we’ve had in the past. But the snow. A foot one day. A foot the next. Three days later another storm is coming. For those of you that live without snow, let me tell you it is exhilarating (fun to play in!), a lot of work (where’s my car?),  and dangerous (we are all still driving in this shit!). Last year we had more snowstorms than I can ever remember; and I’ve spent 45 winters here. Luckily that snowy winter sent us bountiful rewards, the first thing that comes to my mind is the long growing season we saw for our cultivated gardens and the wild plants. Foraging in Maine has been a real treat for us avid outdoorsy types. Continue reading Foraging In Maine – 2015